
Twitarium is a project that I and my colleagues created together. Using twitter API, it collects current twitter from all over the world and reflect them on the screen. My work filters twitter with emotional words and displays a color-coded circles. The diameter of the circles are in proportions with the length of the tweets. Tweets with the same emotional word are connected and that gives the impression that this world is much smaller and more intimate place than we feel in our usual life.

We have submitted the work on Tokyo Graphic Passport 2010 and won people’s favorite award on digital section. I have done planning, producing, production management, design, flash, php-coding.


私が制作した「emotional earth」は感情を表す「楽しい」「悲しい」などの言葉を含むつぶやきを抽出し、地球上のつぶやかれた場所に表示しています。つぶやきが長い程円の半径が大きくなり、同じ感情の呟きは線で結ばれます。お互いに全く関係のないつぶやきがキーワードをきっかけに繋がることで、まるでこの世界はとても狭くて、親密なものであるかのように見えます。


2010年のTokyo Graphic PassportにMotion Graphic + Interactive部門で出展し、fwaのsite of the dayにも選ばれました。